Campus Life

Campus Life Ministry

Caden Garcia



What is Campus Life?

Campus Life seeks to engage young people as life-long followers of Jesus Christ. Campus Life ministry combines healthy relationships with creative programs to help young people make good choices and establish a solid foundation for life. Campus Life is a place for students to have fun, make friends and talk about what matters. Campus Life provides a balanced approach – physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually – to give teens the skills and hope they need to live in a turbulent world.

How Does Campus Life Work?

CL staff and adult volunteers build relationships through the balanced practice of six Relational Ministry Action’s:

  • Contacting – going into the world of young people in order to initiate new relationships
  • Building Times – spending time in shared activities with young people in order to build new relationships and model Christ-like behavior (includes trips and events)
  • Appointments – meeting one on one to provide individual attention and focus on a young person’s specific need
  • Small Groups – a structured interactive meeting with 2-12 young people
  • Clubs – a weekly large group meeting of more than 25 students that’s high energy, safe, and friendly to any student, no matter where they are at in their faith journey
  • Student Leadership – Christian students who are committed to personal growth and influencing of the people around them for Christ.